I’ve restarted the move of the blog to U.S.-based servers. The previous posts can be found at Ckwal.gdn. I haven’t been writing as much because I was focusing on my first album in ten years. It ended up being a collaboration of different characters within myself. I’ll be posting the demo recordings as soon as I can, along with the other albums and poetry book. Mostly I wanted to be able to share photos and writings from the upcoming trip. Writing directly into my Google Docs and publishing them has been simple and effective, however not very inspiring when trying to add photos. So eventually I will be making book-like compilations of all the previous sites. They may not link anymore to each other or be totally perfect, however the bulk of the information to review will be there eventually (aside pages lost due to transfers in the covid era). If you had trouble reaching the other domains, due to not having secure server addresses available, there are some posts to catch up with. Those addresses are still valid and should all be working soon. I’ll keep you updated as the trip unfolds.

Another album cover idea for the latest project.